Please pay attention before purchasing. The model was photographed under lighting, and the retro blue image presented a slight color difference from the product. Please refer to the video for the actual color.
S Waist 66 Hips 106 Length 70 Thigh 31
M Waist 70 Hips 110 Length 70 Thigh 32
L Waist 74 Hips 114 Length 71 Thigh 32
XL Waist 76 Hips 116 Length 71 Thigh 33
2XL Waist 80 Hips 120 Length 72 Thigh 34
3XL Waist 84 Hips 124 Length 72 Thigh 34
4XL Waist 86 Hips 130 Length 73 Thigh 35
5XL Waist 92 Hips 134 Length 73 Thigh 36
The above size chart data are all manually measured from physical items. Different measuring tools and techniques may have an error of 2 centimeters, which is considered a normal phenomenon. The relevant data is for reference only. Different batches of products may have different dyeing positions and sizes, depending on the actual product received. Due to different body types, please carefully check the size chart before placing an order. Pay attention to the differences on the display screen and refer to the actual colors received. Please do not leave us negative comments due to size or color issues. Rational consumption, avoiding returns. If you have any questions, please contact customer service. Attention: The image attachment is for shooting purposes only. Not included. Color and metal are processing techniques for artificial aging, not quality issues. If you prefer a loose fit, you can choose one to two sizes larger.
The following image shows retro blue.
The following image is in blue.
The following image is light blue.
The following image is black gray.